A Time to Worship

We have been back from our ministry trip to Chicago for a few weeks now.  It is hard to believe that we are back already and that it has been that long since we came back.  We had an amazing time walking around the city going where the Lord led us to pray, serve and worship.

On Wednesday the 16th of May we took some time to worship in one of the beautiful parks in Chicago, Maggie Daley Park.  It was like the Lord shined down upon us that day as it was a beautiful sunny day.  We went to the park early in the morning with our worship streamers and speant some time on a bridge that was between two parks the Maggie Daley Park and the Millennium Park.  It is a really cool foot bridge that give you a view of the city and a street below. 

While we worshiped we prayed for those we had met in the city so far, the surrounding area, the children, families, and tourists that visit these parks and for other things that the Lord put on our hearts as we lifted banners high for Him!   It was a blessing to be able to worship freely.  That is something that I thought about a lot on our journey back from Chicago.  

In the United States we have the freedom to worship and pray when and where we want to for the most part.  In other countries just says the name of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) can get you put in prison or killed.  This is something I feel as a church in general we take for granted a bit.  We gather in churches and forget that God’s word says to “Go into all the world.”   I am not saying that it is bad to gather in churches.  It is good to gather with the family of God… but it is infinitely more important that we go out into the world.  It is also important that when we are out in the world that we don’t conform to the world but that we stand out as beacons of light for God and share His amazing love with those we meet along our path! 

Have you ever worshiped in a park?  Played worship music while you were out in public?  Danced for the Lord where you felt His joy or where you knew there was a spiritual battle in your spirit?   Simple things like this can shine the light of Yeshua where ever you may go!  The joy that the Lord sends through you can bring life and hope to those around.  Is everyone called to dance in public or play worship music in public?  I am not sure… there are those who are called to different walks… but everyone can do something to worship God while they are out!  The simple act of giving thanks to God for what He is doing in your life is an act of worship.  I love when I hear the words “Thank you Jesus” or “Praise the Lord” when I am out!  Those simple words are an act of thankgiving and worship! 

Enjoy these pictures of our time of worship and be blessed as you make an effort to worship God in your life today! 

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  © Kristin Campbell 2018